TANDEM’s main objective is to develop a transdisciplinary approach to identify and analyse emerging inequalities of low-carbon transition policies and co-design equitable, just and effective alternative transition pathways with stakeholders.
To reach its objective, the project will design an innovative transdisciplinary methodology, based on art-based approaches, system mapping, assessment and appraisal methods, to involve potentially affected citizens, public authorities, the private sector and other relevant stakeholders. These methods constitute the backbone of a series of three deliberation panels with citizens. In these panels TANDEM will invite participants to create their visions, perspectives and narratives on just transition policies and to define their own criteria and interventions. This deliberation process will guide a systemic impact assessment that will inform individual appraisals of the interventions. Public authorities will be involved at the beginning and end of each panel to provide insights on political, social and economic factors that should be taken into consideration. Furthermore, private companies will be invited to provide their input through interviews and surveys.
Five different case studies will be set up, in Belgium, Austria, Finland, Spain and Poland around controversial transition policies in energy and mobility affecting urban and rural populations. They will allow TANDEM to understand the challenges of a range of different contexts and test the methodology in a variety of settings. The TANDEM project will synthesize the results of the case studies in a set of documents including a methodological guide and policy recommendations to help policy makers design just transition policies.
Preliminary Surveys & Transdisciplinary toolkit and guide
First deliberation panel
Second deliberation panel
Third deliberation panel
Cross-case report on impact of transition policy of interventions
Final results: Policy recommendations, Cross-case report on justice narratives & Guide to deliberative methodologies
TANDEM will test its methodology through 5 complementary case studies in 5 different European countries and thus deliver policy recommendations adapted to different transition scenarios. To ensure that the process is constructive for the cities and regions involved, the selected case studies are focused on transition policies which are already being considered and implemented.
– Thermic ban in Brussels, Belgium
– Energy and heating transition in Innsbruck, Austria
– Peat production phase-out in Ostrobothnia, Finland
– Solidarity in renewable energy production in Catalonia, Spain
– Coal phase-out in households in Krzywcza, Poland


VUB is an Urban Engaged University in Brussels with top-quality scientific research and customised education for a better and more sustainable society. The mobilise team from Vrije Universiteit Brussel will coordinate our TANDEM project, contribute its MAMCA-SIS methodology and lead the cross-case analysis of policy impacts and recommendations. It will also conduct a case study on the thermic ban in Brussels.

The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences Vienna (BOKU) is Austria’s leading sustainability university. BOKU will coordinate the initial systematic literature review of energy and mobility justice conceptualization, the context and stakeholder analysis of case studies, as well as the evaluation of local policies and interventions for a just transition. It will also conduct a case study on housing inequalities and energy renovation processes in Innsbruck.

LUT University (Lappeenranta-Lahti University of Technology LUT) is a pioneering science university in Finland, bringing together the fields of science and business since 1969. LUT University will lead the definition of the deliberative and arts-based research methodology.

Mineral and Energy Economy Research Institute (IGSMiE) is an important research and development institution, contributing to scientific and research progress in the field of mineral and energy management in Poland and abroad. It will conduct a case study on coal phase-out in households in Krzywcza.

Demos Helsinki
Demos Helsinki is a globally operating, independent think tank. Demos Helsinki will coordinate the deliberation panels for each case study and conduct a case study on peat production in Northern Finland.

Ecoserveis is a non-profit strategic innovation consultancy specialising in energy. They will provide their expertise on energy vulnerable groups and conduct a case study on solidarity in renewable energy production.

Euroquality is a consultancy firm specialized in innovative collaborative European projects. It will support the project’s administrative and financial management while leading the project’s communication and dissemination activities.