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TANDEM consortium meeting in Krakow

On September 26th and 27th 2024, the TANDEM partners met in Krakow to discuss the last year of the project. They defined the process for the last two deliberation panels with citizens, which should allow them to define the importance of policy impacts, ask questions to experts and envision future policies. Thank you IGSMiE for hosting us!

TANDEM’s first deliberation panels 

First newsletter for the Just Transition Cluster

The Just Transition Cluster (JTC) includes the 3 projects that were funded under the Horizon Europe call HORIZON-CL5-2021-D2-01-12: Fostering a just transition in Europe. The JTC published its first newsletter one year after the start of the projects, in September 2023.

TANDEM’s first newsletter

On Friday, September 29th, 2023, TANDEM shared its very first newsletter with its subscribers. The newsletter summarises its first year including important project meetings, first research findings, the progress in panel recruitment planning, in designing the transdisciplinary methodology and organising local communication campaigns.

TANDEM kick-off meeting in Brussels

The TANDEM project held its kick-off meeting on September 29th and 30th 2022. The 7 partners met in Brussels and discussed the project’s transdisciplinary methodology to analyse emerging inequalities of low-carbon transition policies and codesign equitable, just and effective alternative transition pathways  with stakeholders.
