New : D1.1, D1.2 files are available for download.
D1.1 Literature review and literature database on conceptions of justice and equality in transition policies
A report including a state of the art of transition policies covering the different justice dimensions (social, spatial, temporal) and a literature database on the research field, which will guide the project’s work.
D1.2 Past project review: vulnerable groups impacted by transition policies
D1.3 Context and stakeholder analysis for five European case studies
Report on each case study, covering related policies, actors, decision-making procedures, implications on vulnerable social groups, linked to Stakeholder profiles, baseline assessment on transitions, analysis of inequalities and dominant justice narratives. This in-depth analysis will allow the project partners to identify the most interesting “stakeholder representatives” to engage.
D3.1 Conclusions of the deliberations for each case study: favoured transition pathways and mitigation strategies
The conclusions of the panels from all case studies. This deliverable contains the visions and roadmaps to the preferred climate futures as well as the favoured transition pathways and mitigation strategies.
D4.1 Systemic impact assessment
Semi-quantitative model to understand potential future scenarios for case studies (that considers policies and interventions for each case study based on the stakeholder criteria defined in Subtask 3.1.3) and an analysis of interventions and the strength of the leverage points they address.
D4.2 Results of the MAMCA-SIS evaluations across case studies
Report on the evaluations of the interventions by citizens using the MAMCA-SIS for each case study. This shows 1) which stakeholders are affected, 2) how they are affected, on which evaluation criterion, and how strong this effect is.
D5.1 Cross-case report on the comparison and alignment of justice narratives
Report on the differences in co-created narratives across the case studies to understand key similarities and differences. This report will contain the main takeaways from the comparison in non-technical language for all target audiences.
D5.2 Cross-case report on the impacts of transition policy interventions
Conclusions on the interventions across the case studies in terms of acceptability, outcomes and impacts. This report contains a comparison of the measured and evaluated impacts of the interventions across the case studies to draw conclusions on these interventions in terms of acceptability, outcomes, and impacts.
D5.3 Policy recommendations for just transition pathways
Analysis of the pathways produced and set of policy principles for their implementation on local, national and EU levels. The deliverable contains recommendations based on the deliberation process and includes common set of policy principles for their implementation on local, national and EU levels.
D5.4 Guide to deliberative methodologies
Guide on just transition citizen deliberations including examples, best practices and practical advice informed by the project and other state-of-the-art interventions. This guide on just transition citizen deliberations will be based on the learnings from the planning and implementation of the deliberation panels during the project.
The deliverables will be available for download once they are finalized.
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