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Main image credit: Jacek Halicki/Wikimedia

Poland’s strategy for the energy transition assumes that solid fossil fuels will be completely eliminated as a source of energy by 2040, due to the high harm and dangers associated with the use of these fuels in households.
Krzywcza is a rural municipality, which is located in the Przemysl County. The capital of the region, Przemyśl, has a relatively well-developed gas network and housing estates are often connected to the central heating network. However, outside the County’ capital, a significant proportion of households are heated locally using coal boilers. Coal and fire wood is used for heating and sometimes for cooking. Although the average percentage of people with access to gas infrastructure in the Przemyśl District is 52.4% and there are municipalities within the County where over 86% of people have access to gas, in others this percentage is much lower. In the commune of Krzywcza this figure is close to 0%. Due to the low population density and the agricultural nature of the commune, the creation of energy network infrastructure (e.g. the infrastructure of a gas network) is problematic. This means that the use of natural gas as a transition fuel in the transformation process is basically out of the question, and the transformation path in Krzywcza should follow the direct black to green path. The current level the investment in RES does not allow to reach the transformation targets.


This case study focuses the specific challenges remote and less developed areas face for the transition, induced by limited energy options. Through this case study, TANDEM will learn about the various implications and impacts of these projects on stakeholders: homeowners, local communities, local authorities, regional government, coal-trading companies, renewable energy companies, NGOs, energy providers, grid operators. It will also develop and evaluate alternatives with affected inhabitants.

