Photo: REUTERS/Yves Herman
There are 370,000 cars driving in Brussels Capital Region on a daily basis for work purposes only, resulting in significant air pollution issues. The Brussels government therefore has decided to gradually introduce a thermic ban, i.e. the prohibition of petrol and diesel cars, to be fully implemented by 2035 (ban on diesel vehicles by 2030 and ban on petrol vehicles by 2035). While this will benefit local air quality, it presents challenges for small business owners, families and for the 190,000 commuters with cars from the other regions, often with bad public transport connections, as well as for the 74,000 outgoing cars, with commuters who are often employed at low-skilled off-hour jobs, such as the airport.
Transport is Europe’s biggest source of CO2, responsible for the emission of over a quarter of all greenhouse gases. A ban on diesel and petrol vehicles leads to fewer emissions and to a shift towards electricity-powered transport but possibly also to more sustainable modes of transport such as walking, cycling and public transport. The benefits of the thermic ban are both global (combatting climate change) and local (better air quality, less noise).
Many densely populated cities across Europe are studying or have implemented policies to discourage the use of polluting vehicles. Through this case study, TANDEM will learn about the various implications and impacts of these policies on stakeholders such as small companies, local authorities, infrastructure developers and commuters. It will also develop and evaluate alternatives with affected inhabitants.