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The TANDEM project relies on a mixed methodology, integrating desk, survey and interview methods, participatory appraisal methods, participatory system-mapping methods and art-based deliberative visioning, to analyse emerging inequalities of low-carbon transition policies and co-design equitable, just and effective alternatives with stakeholders.

You can learn more about the participatory methods here:
Art-based deliberative visioning 
Systemic impact assessment


The TANDEM project relies on the input of stakeholders in each of its case studies:
–  Private companies will be consulted in the preliminary surveys and evaluation of the transition pathways.
–  Local authorities will be invited to participate in the three deliberation panels that will take place in their region.
–  Impacted inhabitants may participate by completing preliminary surveys, participating in the panels and evaluating the transition pathways.


These stakeholders differ according to the case study:

  1. Thermic ban in Brussels, Belgium → Small companies, local authorities, infrastructure developers, commuters;
  2. Housing inequalities and energy renovation processes in Innsbruck, Austria → State government, city, real estate entities, local civil organisations, chamber of labour, homeowners, tenants, local research hubs;
  3. Peat production phase-out in Ostrobothnia, Finland → Peat producers, youth particularly, local authorities, peat companies, renewable energy companies, national policymakers, labour unions, horticultural industry;
  4. Solidarity in renewable energy production in Catalonia, Spain → Local communities (farmers, tourists, citizens), wind turbine promoters (private promoters & participants/investors), political parties, landowners;
  5. Coal phase-out in households in Krzywcza, Poland → Homeowners, local communities, local authorities, regional government, coal-trading companies, renewable energy companies, NGOs, energy providers, grid operators.
    Whether you represent a private company, a local authority or are an impacted inhabitant, your contribution is important!